Monday, May 5, 2008

Healing Time For Cervical Polyp Removal

10 ideas and an epilogue on documentary photography * readings

by Armando Salazar Larrea

The following ideas are written with the intention to differentiate the practice of other documentary photographic practices relating to the registration and the evidence of the real.

photo: Marc Riboud - Beijing 1965

1. documentary photography not sensational. Add to emphasize the fact without explicit drama, that the most direct away from photojournalism. In itself, documentary photography is not an instrument of denunciation, but a way of giving to see and think.

2. It is a silent search of accessions, of solidarity, coexistence with other people's lives. Photojournalism sometimes takes us away from what we show, the drama seems to say " this happens to you no " so it does not generate empathy but relief. The photo documentary also tries to see life and rethink.

3. Not only informs but moved because attempts listening on the emotions of the characters portrayed. Is one that by showing a fact of life, makes us feel something about human existence and order a little of our knowledge and apprehension of the world.

4. There is an image that attempt to explain "all" of the fact, that's a wild goose chase, it's just a piece of independent living, a time of life full of emotion.

5. It is photography, reflecting a temperament photographing. Through it one can perceive the priorities of the photographer, his whole being is involved. But not only a temper but also context and culture . The photo documentary reveals a dialogue between the context of the photographer and the photographed.

6. Not interested in the ephemeral and the enduring but the news everyday. So a documentary image takes longer to find and create in the company of intimacy, not in its penetration and rape. Sebastiao Salgado and Josef Koudelka quite aware of this.

7. always put at the service of documenting , directing its form as its content. It is an image with an artistic nature by the presence of the author and the formal values \u200b\u200bof the photographic medium, but without the restrictions of art based on the formalism of the autonomy of form in front of the represented.

8. It is a type of photography that reveals an attitude of constant questioning visible, search for clues about the workings of life, wanting to understand what is between the people and find out with the camera placed in bonds and forces invisible.

9. Search find the meaning of the moment portrayed and put into perspective of human existence in this search is open to the interpretation of the beholder, is not an image one way.

10. It is a political act . On the subject he chooses, by respect for him and put in conflict with the superficial image of the world that most images that surround us poses.

Photo: Robert Frank - The Americans - 1956

Finally, an image is low and needs to dig a bit to find it: appears on the web, in books or a magazine, not we see in the streets or in newspapers or on the walls of the galleries or Belongs to a marginal, not very commercial and with little hope of becoming something more, but is just this difficult nature of being both eyes and showed the author that has been protected from being devoured by the system . Its existence, besides the massive, seems assured for now and could only vanish if we fail to constantly question what I see and what does not see?, whose voices portrait, how the picture?, "is anything to my photos?, do I have its own view?. In fact the photo documentary photography is to create not only images but all the time to doubt what he's doing. (ASL)

* Text originally published in THE OTHER FILM No.5-May 2008
Publication of Meetings of the Other Cinema,
International Documentary Film Festival


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