Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Rockford Antique Chest

Errata Knowing the concept of privacy

was not clear until my dear friend Nancy told me: The intimacy is no longer an intimacy, people go around showing off (especially women) and families go telling all. She is no fan of the Internet, moreover, does not know or use and that is why I never read my blog. I had told several days ago about what I write in it and when he said this about me I go back.

This is the definition of PRIVACY having the RAE :

1. f. Intimate friendship.

2. f. intimate spiritual and reserved area of \u200b\u200ba person or group, especially a family.

The concept (which is our special area, exactly as is in the definition) had not sized like, you may not see anything wrong with having things that happened to us, share experiences and "maybe" help other families find solutions to everyday problems. Perhaps I doing so natural that things had thus deprived of our family too, but at first sight (for me) were not. It was just a kind of sharing, a way to go as a diary recording (which is the definition of blog) whatever happened to us, our doubts, our joys, our unforgettable moments, our decisions, our concerns that arise every day when you're raising children. And I also thought: When a teen writes a diary, does not want anyone to read it, would be the same with a blog of this type.

My husband has always been very quiet and I can not imagine how he felt when he said: "I updated the blog" because it seemed the number of things that had our privacy. When privatizing the blog, was happy, but even more when I told him I had brought down Natalie in the importance of privacy within the family and for this reason would completely change the concept of blogging, ie leaving the public blog for topics of common interest such as the course "First Steps" or things like using Baby-Comp and the other, private, would be exclusively for us. I, unlike my husband, I was more boquisuelta, stories we have no plans have been crystallized and that goes against what he thinks is not to say anything until it is a fact.

These stage I hope to be able to maintain our privacy and to keep pace with public blog with topics of common interest, perhaps arising from adapting stories here without exposing too much means that we as a family. Nor do I have enough time to write in both, it seems complicated, but try to do it from the September 9, 2010 I knew the true meaning of intimacy and cherish it every day.


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