Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Body Painting Tickles

The Baby-comp if it works

I've been using the Baby-comp about fourteen months and I'm so happy with him as before. Impresses me more each time its accuracy and its ability to say what will happen to my body terms of ovulation. Just to give an example about a month ago I had an irregular period (30 days), ie, I lasted 28 days and usually lasts me the device I predicted exactly what was happening.

Before this happened, the BC showed me green (fertile days) from the first day of the period until day eight, ie four days after suspending the rule. Thereafter and until day 15 showed me red (or fertile days of ovulation). From day 16 to day 28 and showed me green (again fertile days). Fourteen months I've been using it and I have not gotten pregnant, which means say that if it works as an excellent method of natural family planning.

Everything we feel supposedly alter ovulation. Things like fright, stress, worries, strong emotions do, but I do not happened, and everyone knows to be in charge of a house with two small children if it makes our life exciting and is full of constant changes humor. In this sense, BC predicted from the moment I take the temperature. Eye again! I have not gotten pregnant.

I ask someone: "What happens if one day I want to have sex and BC tells me I'm in days at risk? With the pills may have intercourse to I want! "Well, for us is period of abstinence, offering, chastity, although it may seem very difficult is enriching also for the marital relationship. ... the rule of our life should not be the selfish pursuit pleasure, because only the renunciation and sacrifice lead to true love.

We use it first of all conviction. We believe that sex within marriage has a unique and primary purpose is the procreation of the species ( Sex is not a shameful thing, but a divine gift to be ordained to life, to love to fertility ) Of course, without forgetting the unitive nature of the couple and "pleasure" that is implicit in the sexual relationship. Second, the peace that leaves me not having to take pills or inject, just let my body act naturally and helps me interpret BC. Third, for economy, although this side of the first argument is insignificant, I believe it came out more expensive, would use the BC anyway.

If you want to know more about Baby-comp consultation this link.


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