Saturday, June 12, 2010

Breakfast Club Unfinished Joke


Today I wanted to write about San Antonio de Padua who has a dog neither eats nor drinks and is always fat, the closing of the book fair and the beginning the World Cup, but the obituary dedicated to Luis Garcia Cereceda lead me to other fields.
Consider the sequence of the obituaries:

The first obituary is really the end of the story, but who informed us that can not start a story in the end? The literature of this outpouring of grief, highly complimentary to the deceased, the company first "His only real empress, Mercedes" and two "queens alike Susan and I" and their kings and princes of hearts magic. The place where the death happened also sounds like magic, "died on the very high dungeon of his empire "Only one word will give you the key to the story. I imagine that the curious reader and will be discovered.
In this second note, which really should take the first chapter, but as extending the plot, is well located in the section on development, sheds more light on who was Luis Garcia Cereceda, now honored with the titles of Mr. and gift - a Goth titles and the other Roman: "A teacher never oblivious to anything human. A man simply irreplaceable. "
There is another curious fact: the tower of the dungeon of his empire is on the farm.
However, demonstrating that this man was able to unite and unify the Tyrian and Trojan, and if he had left, he might have achieved peace between Jews and Palestinians, is in the undersigned to sign: first his widow Sylvia, his daughters Susan and Yolanda, sons political, grandchildren and brother and more suffering. And here comes the fireworks again: after a semicolon in the same note appears mortuary quote: "Your first wife, Mercedes, and Francisco Peñalver"
seems clear that there was an agreement on the lament for the disappearance of Luis Garcia Cereceda: second and first wife, daughter Susan who appeared in the obituary above a queen, and Mercedes which is in last place - do not know whether or base as the culmination of the history of this man, and a common name Francisco Peñalver. Who is this Peñalver? Maybe the second husband of the Empress of the Mercedes? Perhaps the beadle of the agreement on the text? Questions for the curious and speculative reader.
And finally the third chapter, we clarify who was Luis Garcia Cereceda: PROCIS chief. It continues the double title of Lord and Don and clarifies the meaning: he was the boss who everyone wanted. God forbid the day of praise!
The obituaries come from The Land of June 10, 2010. In ABC the same day is only the signed agreement.


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