Monday, December 20, 2010

Turner's Syndrome In Second Trimester


Each year at this time we tend to make some resolutions aimed at changing her life. It consists of the thing to say goodbye to the old year, the old and start with twenty-two health because the lottery does not logically to quit work and devote himself to the contemplative life. Last Friday we ate together the old and past colleagues CAP (Teacher Support Center) in Alcalá and Dori told that the new year had already made my plan amendments, was chosen three lines: stop smoking and quitting to make whiskey. This is very serious when I said that with his left hand holding a cigarette smoking that bothered Henry and his right hand a wide glass that adorned the ice tinkled to Segovia. Dori, intuitive as ever, with that smile a little cop, he added without waiting for me to formulate the third commitment: "And learn English!" "NOOO! - Cried, that was four years ago and I know that if I ask the British whiskey I understand, therefore, need not more! " Dori, jumped in his line: " Learning to play the clavicénvalo! " " Yes, but adapted to flamenco "- I said suddenly, as when a night out with Enrique Morente and Paco Carbajal in a bar there in the parking lot of the Plaza of Spain in Madrid, a member of the Chunguitos wanted to convince the great singer he had to do is bring 'er ar cantejondo filaderfia pace' "Obviously the third mystery was not disclosed, but went back to the bar Velilla neighbor "The Andalú II" (sic) after which a thin man fretted bar and I thought gafeado Jaburi son. The Andalú II has passed through many hands. The former waiter, Florin, enjoyed the jazz, the blouse and the voice of Frank Sinatra, but he enjoys the joy of Seville and Cadiz murgas. Friday night did not tell anything, it was Saturday night, while the bar was full of his countrymen and countrywomen who played billiards and darts, when asked her name. "Juanito!" - He replied "" clear Ah! "I said you are a child of the Jaburi!" " way! I am Romanian and my name Iovanie, but in English it Johnny!" "What about the flamenqueo?" "I've worked always with this family are the boat and hit me. " And here summed up my third intention for the coming year: to learn to play flamenco clavicénvalo in plan but with the sound of the Balkans. Ele, is for you and God dealt luck!


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