Monday, August 16, 2010

House Warming Bible Reference


corresponds Ahigal Past San Lorenzo. But first we must make a quick summary of the second edicición "in the place of my people." Conferences developed with great public and critical - why invent if the topics are round? - According to the schedule, after the art came the poetry took the stand in full Maripaz Talaván, Instituto profesra of David Eloy Rodríguez, Bard Seville with fine roots and Antonio Gonzalez bard as well paint a watercolor or recite a statue of Miguel Hernández memory.
From here the issue seriously and start get the doctors: Dr. Gregorio Montero González Montes engineer tells us about the tree of life and the tree's life: our totem, the oak of the Acarrradero "in Romanejo, is noted as one of the best oaks in the country. Gregory knows the subject. Miguel Luque
Talaván, doctor and professor histoire Copmplutense, tells us our past: four Belloso - with names, signed up to travel to Columbus on his second voyage. If there has never been afraid here. He ends the cycle
Antonio Moran, sculptor and Delta flying wing: the thrill of flight, the dream of man. From Cabezabellosa reached Burgos flying Delta Wing. Six hundred miles without engine!
Ahigal day run in quiet: the garden, tomatoes, wine and family hug pitarra always exciting.


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