Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jeffhardy Hair Styles


Let's play with titles. It occurs to me this in reference to Woody Allen: Viky Cristina Barcelona. The girlfriend's name is Cristina, her boyfriend Antonio and the product of love Alicia. As for places in Villa del Rey is married, in Alcantara had Brozas the hotel and the event was held. Naturally we went from church to church in Villa del Rey, an active temple, in Alcantara was formerly a convent inn after flour mill and now hotel, the hotel also Brozas convent was before. This is an area that need extra a quiet visit. The story builds on each stone: we are beside the best preserved Roman bridge in the world and the birthplace of the Order of Alcánta y paraiso de la Mesta. Pero vayamos a la boda.
Se casaban Antonio y Cristina. Nos juntaríamos - el plural se refiere a mi mujer y a mi- con muchos amigos y allí estuvimos. El día  acompañó con un sol tímido y agradable que ni nos achicharró ni permitió la lluvia. Los asistentes, elegantísimos y los novios eufóricos, amables y muy emocionados. A los padres del novio, nuestros amigos J. Antonio y Pilar, hay que echarlos de  comer a parte: ¡lástima no haber dispuesto de sábanas para limpiar las babas que se les caían a estos dos jóvenes abuelos! Alicia jugaba con su chupete en brazos  de abuela en abuela mientras mamá lucía sonrisa wide and tulle gown.

And everyone else, Pepe, Mary, Josemari, Beatriz, Teresa, Rosa, LA, Fernando, Cadiz, Madrid, Catalan and English all Extremadura and Aragon who cares? but all friends. Agreeable day crony and comments, kisses and tenderness. The smiles on the photos.

Monday, May 9, 2011

24 V 40a Charger Circuit Diagram

May to the Virgin

Monday, May 2, 2011

Celiac Disease Tax Deduction

And the quality of education? Samuel already has FIVE