Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How Much Does It Cost For Name Change In Oregon


's finally appears Wednesday and Sunday the tide subsides! This time I saw the whole match extension included. And I cried goal but I did not sing it in English, English, English. Not because I did not feel happy, simply because "military music never made me raise" (Brassens) and also because the twang sounded like Russian folk music, not harbor any animosity for the citizens of this. The global sequence from my perspective, arguably of course, starts the day of Gay Pride in Madrid. Hot afternoon Saturday, from the Puerta de Alcalá to Plaza of Spain, the official coaches are tightened by the Gran Via One offers the match on a huge screen on a truck full of people more or less dressed. There is a no goal. All mass cries goal! for immediately afterwards with a umm cud! frustration. Pepa, Beatriz, Orestes and myself, skeptical look great festive event from the terrace of the Circle Fine Arts. An amateur phone to your ear, tells the South African adventure loudly. His girlfriend looks at him with ironical. This man is suspected that Orestes is more amateur football and I was referred to it for further details on the play of no goal. The girlfriend of mercury and laughs so loud, the waiters are swirling around the Speaker to find out the details. The bride is coming, takes the phone and breathed into his mouth a good mojito drink. The kiss is applauded by the audience. Including myself. The night goes on.
The semifinal catches me in Valencia. The balconies are full rojigualdas flags. Beatrice and I choose a terrace where there are not many fans or television in the window, but we are unable to abstract from the tide football. African men in the top of the blanket, converse in Kiswahili, - I suppose so, "is written next to us on the politics of Ghana. They talk about all of Africa if only we understand Ghana, Gabon, Bukin Faso and other countries of the neighboring continent. Today, they sell red hats with yellow tape.
The next day we passed a store that sells fabrics for the costumes of the failures as well as flags and patriotic necessities. A huge roll of red and yellow flag of Spain, presided over the counter.
- Out of curiosity, wonder, how many meters of English flags have sold?
- Lots! -I dependent-friendly answers more than five thousand feet.
This was Friday. Day that was published the Constitutional Court on the Statute of Catalonia. On Saturday there was demonstration in defense of it in Barcelona. On Sunday, Spain played the final against Holland.
The question is this: After four years of waiting, as long as the global world, who are pussies just happens to deliver verdict today that all the State exhibits the same flag? There would be parvo which a Galician. These gentlemen of the Constitution are not of this world.
Ah! these days of football are very good for flirting.