Friday, December 26, 2008

Silverado 427 Ss Kuwait

NOT WAIT ANOTHER SKY - Francois "Coco" Photo-Reading

Francois "Coco" Laso has just published his book, DO NOT WAIT ANOTHER HEAVEN with photographs taken in Quito on Easter between 1999 and 2008.

A long-term project that is about something so common to Quito in a human desecrated and not folk. Her photos do not make us think or religion, or the theatrical, are reminiscent of the feelings of people in need of faith behind them, the power of the church (LIC)

(...) The shooting today is tenuous and eternal;
not wait another Heaven or Hell
(Jorge Luis Borges, El Instante)

"Laso opens a glance problem by asking: "Who we are, visually, during the rituals of Easter?". Your answer will not come from the ethnographic gaze, with its equity interest and empathy. Neither of journalism with his realistic pretensions. "

" lonely experience with the community, the city steeped in rural life, the hidden eroticism of a colonial box, the distance from the common iconography Westernized

"This collection of photographs brings to the fore the inherent conflict visual representation of a practice that is regularly spectacularized intimate with the aim of confirming religiosity as a ghost who haunted the public sphere in the recesses of certain city franciscana. "

" These are photographs that dissect the heaven and hell are to religion in the everyday mundane into an Andean city and bland. "

"Taken out of context ritual book in his life, they become in a broader critique and tell us about both religion and intimacy of forces as the territory it shares with the economy, the city and state."

Texts taken out of penance for X. Andrade (Manglaralto, November 2007)

........... François

Laso. Photographer. He has made several photo exhibitions in Ecuador and abroad and has been shooting photographer Chronicles and While day arrives. Art Director Feature story Offside (Best Films in Donostia San Sebastian Festival), director of the third and fourth EDOC Documentary Film Festival organized by Cinememoria, professor of photography at the Universidad Católica del Ecuador, director of photography for the documentary The Committee Matthew Herrera, Mete Gol Earn Felipe Terán and This damn country Juan Martín Cueva.