Thursday, August 28, 2008

Earthquake Power 400tx Amp

Account Bolivia - Juan Antonio Serrano

A friend told me · Bolivia Bolivia is the latest in hell before you get to heaven ¨. It was at mine last night in La Paz, I said it was true. Bolivia is a country with people super good, with monumental landscapes with an interesting music scene. Unfortunately, in particular racial divisions that occur, impeding the dreams and potential development could have. On both sides, Easterners (white) and Colleen (Indians), claiming that they own and do not want. Meanwhile, in one of the many street demonstrations calling for a solidarity bond minúvalidos.

The image of Evo Morales is full of charisma, generates much sympathy in many Bolivians, but many others hate. While in Bolivia in the referendum could feel personally the changing times that this country goes through. They were special moments, really.

family is so far away I could see. Words such as regionalism, racism, revolution, corruption, Latin America, etc, do that, because in Bolivia, I feel at home. I also felt, at times, it was somewhere that looks like anything but home.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

How Much Prise Of A Full Red Lable Whisky?

A century Cartier-light HUGO

MADRID - Reuters

Henri Cartier-Bresson was born on August 22, 1908, 100 years ago with an unusual capacity for observation that overturned on the picture to the point that knowing his work is synonymous with you a part of the graphic history of the twentieth century.

Refer to Cartier-Bresson is, above all, making a pause in his conception of "decisive moment", with which defined the exact moment the photo is taken, ie when " be aligned in his words "the head, eye and heart " to get instant, that it would not be like a millisecond before or after that you clicked.

Always with his Leica in hand photographed China, India, Mexico, until the Second World War, where he thought he had even died, and founded, along with other legends also negative in 1947, the first photo agency , the select club of Magnum.

also portrayed characters of his time as Picasso, Matisse , Marie Curie, Edith Piaf , Fidel Castro and Ernesto Guevara and witnessed important events of the century XX as the English Civil War or the death of Gandhi .

However, if Cartier-Bresson return your camera to take today have serious problems to enforce their view of the decisive moment or would see with complicated legal rules to take some snapshots.

According to some theorists, the magic moment is dead. The proliferation of digital imaging is unstoppable and more in the line of photojournalism that propelled Cartier-Bresson, due to the great democratization of the main tool, the camera.

This, in turn, has led to the decisive moment it is increasingly irrelevant, but despite them the purists, because digital has disabled caution and concentration of the act of photographing.

The "decisive moment" has become a video edited or blast of images taken by professional photographers working with freedom and the advantage given the unlimited capacity of digital systems.

Also, if Cartier-Bresson once lift his head so he would see that their photos can not be taken back to the West, not for lack of obvious or photographers, but by the limitations imposed by the courts.

Perhaps his black and white portraits of people anonymous and can not be captured in the West, except with prior permission of the subject, because social norms have changed and this has led to part of the documentary photography possible only championed today in the Third World .

These two aspects are very slow and silent death of the photographic process of the work ccon which Cartier-Bresson, among others, got a gray frames his shots so far can only dream of the process digital.

Therefore, more than ever should remember to Henri Cartier-Bresson, for the sake of the quality of the photographic act in a society hypervalue image but, in turn, play the "anything goes" and sentencing on the right to the image.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

South Actress Affairs


20 years ago in 1988, the Economic Culture Fund, Mexico published the book "Paths of Ecuador " of Hugo Cifuentes (Otavalo, 1923 - Quito, 2000). Key point that marked a shift in the way of documentary photography in Ecuador.

Cifuentes Hugo's work was a different approach to rural areas of Ecuador with a look full of humor and poetic posture against the real. His photo essay "Huañurca", performed with his son, Francisco, was awarded "Casa de las Americas" in 1983.

Here a small sample of his work accompanied by extracts from the text "Memory" Cifuentes Angela Mary, daughter of the photographer and historian.


kiss of life - 1982

"Without ethics there is no aesthetics, thought Dad, for delivery to the art that had an ethical foundation to always seek new forms and content in the paint, drawing, collage and photography. "

the mantle of the Virgin - 1986

hunch - 1986

"Dad thought the image as creative as she raises to see beyond the visible, how absurd or banal everyday moment can turn into something unusual, unprecedented. "

accident dreams - 1985

flat tire - 1985

faun -1986

the son of oblivion - 1986

"I think, however, Dad was able to photograph the hope that it always was: to concrete changes in the art of the country. With his work and his momentum generated dad definitely a new era in photography Ecuador, making a creative discipline. "